My notes from W3C "Readability"
Last week I attended the W3C symposium on Text Customization for Readability . That's a mouthful... We explored ways that a reader can change the way text looks, to make it easier to read. If you have low vision, how do you read online? David Sloan says people like himself with low vision can have great difficulty reading text with subpixel rendering , e.g. ClearType which is no longer configurable in Internet Explorer 9. Eileen Rivera enlarges text significantly in order to read it. Her wish list item is to allow all text to wrap so she does not have to scroll horizontally. She added that content authors should watch the "gymnastics" that low vision readers go through, which should inspire content authors to work on improving the experience. Suzette is dealing with the effects of cataract surgery. For her, increased font size is necessary, but makes it difficult to skim. Increased line spacing makes reading more comfortable for her. Anthony Lee says web browers ne...