"From Body to Spirit"
Last week I ran into Marty on 2nd Street in San Francisco. He developed this piece in a writing workshop. I am happy to help him spread the word. I invite you to consider... "From Body to Spirit" By Martin Ross Abstaining from eating as long as you can is the secret of life. Abstaining from eating as long as we can is the sole purpose of human life, our lives as human beings has no other purpose, for abstaining from eating is how human beings evolve. Brothers and Sisters it was not meant for us to depend on this planet's resources all of our lives of which the main and most important one is food, for if we didn't eat we would not be dependent or use any of the other resources of this planet. Our physical bodies is merely a shell that houses our true selves which is spirit, our spirits are immortal, omniscient, and omnipotent, our spirits are not dependent upon the resources of this planet. Brothers and Sisters it was meant for human beings to evolve to transcend their...